Sunday, June 26, 2011


This blog was created specifically for the purpose of being my personal e-portfolio. The objectives of this eportfolio is to:

  • reflect on the content knowledge taught and personal growth in Science.
  • access information and develop critical viewpoints from a variety of sources
  • acquire one of the 16 Habits of Mind: Metacognition, thinking about thinking.
  • showcase best research write-up, assignments and projects

The components of this eportfolio are:
  • contain summaries of the important issues and activities covered in the science coursework.
  • termly reflections on students’ personal growth in science and performance in the science assessment test.
  • reflections on science excursions (may not organized by the school), laboratory sessions, sabbaticals and field activities.
  • critical reviews of new science breakthroughs or discoveries in science journals, books, magazines, newspapers and the internet.
  • other evidences of independent research related to Science.
  • showcase of exemplary samples of your students’ own work, research write-ups and projects.

Ok, I know I basically copied and pasted the above from the Lower Sec Science website, but anyway it serves as a reminder to me what should be in my reflections. I won't be making this blog so "formal", since it is a blog anyway, I feel that it is only my responsibility to liven it up and make it interesting to readers.

Happy reading!